Building Partnerships to Improve the Lives of Foster Youth

The LA Opportunity Youth Collaborative (OYC) is building a community of organizations working in concert to ensure that every youth is served in a holistic way.

Our Vision

Transition age foster youth in Los Angeles County have the knowledge and skills to allow them to achieve economic mobility and flourish in their personal lives.

Co-Coveners of the OYC

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming Events at this time.

Our Campaigns

Foster Youth at Work
Foster Youth College Advancement Project
OYC Young Leaders

OYF Common Measures

The LAOYC originated in 2013 through the Aspen Institute’s Forum for Community Solutions—Opportunity Youth Forum (OYF), a national network of urban, rural, and tribal communities seeking to improve education and employment pathways for opportunity youth.  Opportunity youth are individuals aged 16-24 who are or have previously been disconnected from school and work or have connections to the child welfare, justice, and/or homeless systems.


Opportunity youth have historically been difficult to count, as they are defined as a group which does not appear in either of two data sets – those in an educational program and those not working. With the OYF Common Measures, however, we can calculate—for each unique geographic area of an OYF collaborative—the overall opportunity youth disconnection rate, and the disconnection rates for high school, post-secondary and workforce annually for the entire community.


This two-page infographic describes the state of the Opportunity Youth Forum Common Measures for 2021 in summary, across the entire Aspen network.

The four measures are:
Overall community disconnection rate:

The rate of young people disconnected from work and school (i.e., opportunity youth; note systems involved youth are not included).

High school disconnection rate:

The rate of young people without a high school diploma/GED and not working who are disconnected from high school.

Post-secondary disconnection rate:

The rate of young people with a high school diploma/GED but without a postsecondary credential, who are disconnected from postsecondary education and not working.

Workforce disconnection rate:

The rate of young people with a postsecondary credential but not enrolled in postsecondary—who are disconnected from the workforce.

Get Connected

Seen&Heard is pleased to support youth seeking to pass their written drivers exam with 4 study groups during the month of June. Every Tuesday night at 7pm on zoom, young people will be led through an interactive and fun “quiz show” style meeting. Facilitated by a Seen&Heard staff and Alumni Leader (who just passed their written exam) this is a youth-centered and inclusive space for youth 15-23.

Check out @seenandheardla bio to sign up!

Internship opportunity for youth with lived experience in the foster care system! Child Trends is hiring two interns to join their Child Welfare team, and work with a group of staff on a project focused on supporting transition age foster youth and examining whether investments improve youth services and outcomes for young people in three cities.

Join us for our upcoming Finding Joy & Wellness training on Tuesday May 14th from 10-11:30am. This presentation will provide an overview of the importance of our professional well-being and understanding the impact of and difference between compassion fatigue, occupational burnout, secondary traumatic stress, and vicarious traumatization. We will explore the importance of finding balance in our lives so that we can find both joy in our personal lives as well as our professional lives as we continue to serve and support others.

Click the link in our bio or register here:

#traumainformedcare #selfcare #opportunityyouth

Attention 12 grade students! Interested in learning more about financial literacy?

Bite of Reality Financial Literacy Event is happening on
Thursday, May 9, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
at the Los Angeles County Office of Education 12830 Columbia Way, Downey, Ca 90242 Education Center West Conference Rooms B & C! Lunch, opportunity drawing and much more!

Sign up here

#layouth #financialliteracy

As you may know, May is both Mental Health and Foster Care Awareness Month. 💙 In celebration, we are hosting a FREE event for the foster care/mental health community, on Sunday May 19th at our Highland Park campus (6957 N Figueroa Street, Los Angeles 90042), and we invite you to join us! Doors open at 2:00 and the concert begins at 3:00. Please also share this invitation with your colleagues, TAY youth, friends and others. Everyone is welcome!

The main event will be a 90-minute outdoor (tented) concert by nationally recognized social justice singer-songwriter Crys Matthews. Her warm voice and heartfelt lyrics, her authenticity and humor, are sure to move, entertain, and inspire all.

After her concert, Crys will be leading transition-age youth (16 to 24 years old) in a workshop on self-expression as a tool for well-being. And, throughout the afternoon, guests can enjoy complimentary refreshments and browse the tables at our resource fair.

Register at this link:

#fostercare #tay #mentalhealth #fostercaremonth